Thursday, 29 January 2015


After having the amazing opportunity of watching my other classmates work I was asked to review one of them which took my fancy. The one I have chosen is by Sam White and Sam Gardner. 

They called their animation "Better Together" which from after watching it was a perfect title. Their animation is approximately two minutes long and the simplicity use of green and blue clay balls as their characters were perfect to get their message across. The  use of a ball of paper to revealed their opening title was a lovely creative start to their short film. All that Sam and Sam used for sound within their animation was the background music by Jack Johnson-"Better Together". By using only background music it was effective to the point that we as the audience could get more out of the animation visually. However, there were area within the short film that I believe to have needed some other sound effects such noises coming from the clay balls to create a better understanding of what was going on between them. The fluidity movement of the clay balls was fantastic because I personally thought it looked as if they had recorded it. As the balls became one they transformed from being a mash up of colour to a good representation of the Earth. One worry about the animation as a whole is that I did not understand the message that they were trying to communicate to their audience because I didn't know if it was about war or equality. Apart from that I definitely recommend watching it because it is simple but highly entertaining piece of work. 

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